I just installed ruby on rails on windows.
install mysql and created a new project. Then I changed database.yml to use my own mysql server as follow
development: adapter: mysql database: mytools username: test password: test
when I try to access story controller(http://localhost:3000/stories), error shows
"SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: stories: SELECT * FROM "stories" "
Why am I getting this error? I am not using mysql...
By default Rails creates and uses a SQLite database not a MySQL one.
You can specify the database to use with the -d flag when creating your Rails application. For example to create a rails app called "sample" using mysql as the database:
rails sample -d mysql
Taken from the Getting Started with Rails guide.
You might also want to check out the section on Configuring a MySQL Database in the same document.
Moon : how did I miss that?? Thank you!! -
From what I know - though I was coding in rails long ago, there are 3 separate databases there: development, production and test. Maybe You are trying to use test or production and You didn't configured them?
Did you try a restart on the webserver?
Check if the RAILS_ENV is set to production and if it is, set it for development:
set RAILS_ENV=development
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