Saturday, February 5, 2011

SQL exception when trying make an prepared statement

I'm trying to pass the following String to a PreparedStatement:

private static final String QUICK_SEARCH = "select * from c where NAME like '% ? %'";

However, I get an SQL exception that the bind variable is missing.

Any suggestions?

  • You can't put binding variables inside a string like that.

    You need to use:

    SELECT * FROM c WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')

    or similar, depending on what functions are supported by your version of SQL.

    From Alnitak
  • Can't u make use of parameters inside of using string concatenation ?

  • cool,

    i just set the % signs when setting preparedstatement;

    pstmt.setString(1, "%" + name + "%");
    From combi001


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