Friday, January 21, 2011

Linux how to force quit the process by root

I have run the command to backup 7 accounts and then i want to quit that command while its running. How can i quit from command line

I want that it should quit backing up all accounts not just current account and then i have to press again untill all accounts open

  • Ctrl+C will kill the command if you ran it in the foreground from the same shell.

    kill -9 will destroy everything in its path if you are killing it from a different environment, or you ran the command in the background.

    Master : i tried ctrl c but it then come to shell but processing is still going on
    Dennis Williamson : Please don't do `kill -9` when it's not necessary. and
    From MattC
  • Use ps aux command to determine process which runs next backup and kill it, for example with kill -9.

    Dennis Williamson : Please don't do `kill -9` when it's not necessary. and
    From radious


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