I live in Italy but this may be a problem for many people who don't live in US.
It often happens that for some reason a product can't be sent in Italy/Europe/somewhere. I don't know why and the only way to find it out is to proceed to checkout.
I'd like it to be showed somehow before it because it's very disappointing, I'd like to see it in my search result for example!
Is there a way to do it?
From web app
Andrea Ambu
The reason for this is that even a foreigner can buy stuff as a present for someone who is livinging at a place where the items could be sent to.
And there is no way for Amazon to know where the items to ship before proceeding to checkout.
Mr. Shiny and New : I can think of a way for Amazon to guess potential shipping problems. They could check your default address. They could do IP Geo-location. They could ask you what country you plan to ship to. ebay lets you filter your search results based on ship destination and you don't even need to log in.akira : then answer the question.From akira
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