Monday, January 24, 2011

installing rpm packages on ubuntu

In ubuntu i have downloaded flash rpm,how to install it.i am new to ubuntu and i have tried the following

    alien -k flash-plugin-
    alien -i flash-plugin-
    rpm -i flash-plugin- //this works in rhel versions

The above doesn't seem to work..


  • Installing a .rpm on Ubuntu is a last resort and should not be used when .deb packages are available.

  • It's available in the repositories and you should use the Synaptic or aptitude package manager to install it rather than downloading and installing it manually.

    For Jaunty, Karmic and Lucid:

    sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

    For Dapper, Hardy and Intrepid:

    sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
  • The Flash plugin is also in the Canonical partner repository, the package is called adobe-flashplugin. Using this you'll automatically get security updates for Flash if they are available

  • RPM files are for RedHat Package Manager, and generally not meant for Ubuntu...

    actually the better/preferred way would be to use Repository using #apt-get install

    since you have already downloaded RPM and wanna use the same, there are two ways you could follow

    [] using 'alien' converting *.rpm RedHat package to a *.deb Debian Package like *this you alrady performed *This will convert your RPM to a DEB {in your case should be flash-plugin-} and then you can install deb with:

    #sudo dpkg -i flash-plugin-

    [] other way is converting RPM to CPIO, extracting contents of CPIO and installing from the source

    #rpm2cpio flash-plugin- | cpio -dimv

    From AbhishekKr


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