I have asked a similar question before and while the answers I got were spectacular I might need to clearify.
Just like This question I want to return N number of rows depending on a value in a column.
My example will be I have a blog where I want to show my posts along with a preview of the comments. The last three comments to be exact.
I have have I need for my posts but I am racking my brain to get the comments right. The comments table has a foreign key of post_id which obviously multiple comments can be attached to one post so if a post has 20 comments then I just want to return the last three. What makes this somewhat tricky is I want to do it in one query and not a "limit 3" query per blog post which makes rendering a page with a lot of posts very query heavy.
FROM replies
GROUP BY post_id
HAVING COUNT( post_id ) <=3
This query does what I want but only returns one of each comment and not three.
Do you track comment date? You can sort those results to grab only the 3 most recent ones.
SELECT l.* FROM ( SELECT post_id, COALESCE( ( SELECT id FROM replies li WHERE li.post_id = dlo.post_id ORDER BY li.post_id, li.id LIMIT 2, 1 ), CAST(0xFFFFFFFF AS DECIMAL)) AS mid FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM replies dl ) dlo ) lo, replies l WHERE l.replies >= lo.replies AND l.replies <= lo.replies AND l.id <= lo.mid
Having an index on
replies (post_id, id)
(in this order) will greatly improve this query.Note the usage of
l.replies >= lo.replies AND l.replies <= lo.replies
: this is to make the index to be usable.See the article in my blog for details:
- Advanced row sampling (how to select
rows from a table for eachGROUP
KM : thanks for the link your great blog!Quassnoi : You're welcome :)Quassnoi : 0xFFFFFFFF is a constant which containt maximal possible INTEGER. Since it has type BINARY, CAST converts it to an integer. MID is the 3rd id for a given group, or a MAXINT if there is no 3rd.Quassnoi : You can replace the whole CAST(...) thing with a constant 4294967295 if it confuses you :)Quassnoi : @TheLizardKing: Doesn't it look round to you? :) You can use 4,000,000,000 if you're sure you will never have such a big ID in your database :) - Advanced row sampling (how to select
following ian Jacobs idea
declare @PostID int
select top 3 post_id, comment from replies where post_id=@PostID order by createdate desc
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