When I startup Xcode I get the following error:
The application Xcode quite unexpectedly. Clicking on the Report...
button gives the following:
Process: Xcode [875]
Path: /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Identifier: com.apple.Xcode
Version: ??? (???)
Build Info: DevToolsIDE-9210000~1
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [140]
Date/Time: 2009-03-12 15:13:14.839 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
Report Version: 6
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
Application Specific Information:
objc[875]: '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbols' was not compiled with -fobjc-gc or -fobjc-gc-only, but the application requires GC
objc[875]: *** GC capability of application and some libraries did not match
The full detail can be seen here. I've never used Xcode before (although I did run it when I first installed it). Any ideas on what could be causing this?
From stackoverflow
Download and install the latest version of Xcode. That's what I did to fix this issue.
If you just installed safari 4, either revert back to 3 or install the latest version of Xcode. Hope that helps
Abdullah Jibaly : Yes, I did install Safari 4... Any help on installing the lastest version of Xcode (I already ran System Update)?Ben Reeves : http://developer.apple.com/technology/Xcode.htmlAbdullah Jibaly : Got it, Apple Dev Connection. Thanks!Robert S. : @Abdullah, this is precisely the situation I was in. :)mt3 : uninstalling safari 4 beta does not eliminate the problem; you must upgrade xcode
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