I would like to see an example that makes the best use of the ALL operator when using a parent child reltaionship in LINQ. Can you show me one please?
From stackoverflow
If you want to get the parents along with whether all its childrens are active.
from p in MyContext.Parents select new { p, ChildrensActive = p.Childrens.All(c=> c.IsActive) }
The All() extension method checks a predicate against all the items; for example, at execution:
if(order.Lines.All(l=>l.IsClosed)) order.Close();
(checks all lines are closed, and if so, closes the order)
of in a query:
var qry = from order in ctx.Orders where order.CustomerId = id select new { order.OrderId, IsShipped = order.Lines.All(l => l.IsShipped) };
Viks : How would I handle a case where select all Customers having Order ..is this is a good candidate for 'All'?Marc Gravell : no; that would be Any - i.e. from cust in ctx.Customers where cust.Orders.Any() select cust; -
Many LINQ examples here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vcsharp/aa336746.aspx
IEnumerable<CD> goodCDs = CDs .Where(cd => cd.Songs.All(song => song.Rating > 6))
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