I am having problems with my textfield not flowing with the scene transistion. Basically my scene is transition with this call:
Scene* gs = [[[QuestionsScene alloc] initWithPage:2] autorelease];
[[Director sharedDirector] replaceScene: [SlideInRTransition transitionWithDuration:0.5 scene: gs]];
However in my init i have a textfield called here:
[answerBox setTextColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[answerBox setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentLeft];
[answerBox setContentHorizontalAlignment:UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentLeft];
[answerBox setClearsOnBeginEditing:YES];
[answerBox setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect];
[answerBox setDelegate:self];
[answerBox setReturnKeyType:UIReturnKeyDone];
[answerBox setAutocapitalizationType:UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords];
[[[Director sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview: answerBox];
The textbox does not follow the transition, it just sits there into the next scene. Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
You add the answerBox to the openGLView directly, not to the scene. So naturally when the scene changes, the answerBox is not affected.
If you use a UILabel, you cannot add it as a child on a CocosNode object, so you can't add it to your scene.
Look into using the Cocos2d label class instead. Either use Label or it's faster cousin LabelAtlas
I haven't checked how Cocos2d manages its views. Perhaps there might be another option? You can try on the cocos2d forums.
For this solution, i just did removed the textbox upon transition
[nameBox removeFromSuperview];
and reappear when it comes back to the scene:
[nameBox becomeFirstResponder];
which there was a smoother transition to this though.
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