What is the best way to normalize whitespace characters (space, newline, tab) in a Prolog atom, e.g. in SWI-Prolog. I.e. I would like to have a rule:
normalize_space_in_atom(+Atom1, -Atom2)
such that Atom2
- has any sequence of whitespace characters turned into a single space
- starts with a non-space
- ends with a non-space
From stackoverflow
SWI Prolog provides normalize_space/2, and so you could define your predicate as follows:
normalize_space_in_atom(A1,A2) :- normalize_space(atom(A2),A1).
I've tried this out with SWI Prolog 5.7.5 and it appears to work. You could add more error handling if you wish.
Kaarel : Thanks, works in 5.6.61 as well. I can't believe I couldn't find it in the documentation.
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