I am currently using python 2.6 and I would like to use the win32 mysqldb module. Unfortunately it seems it needs the 2.5 version of Python. Is there any way to get rid of this mismatch in the version numbers and install mysqldb with python 2.6?
You can try this mysql package, which has a 2.6 version:
PierrOz : is there a package for windows ?Manzabar : The page coonj linked to indicates there is. You should be able to install the package using easy_install. Go to http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall for details on using easy_install.Therms : No it doesnt. There are only linux packages there. -
There are versions of mysqldb for python 2.6, they're just not available on the official site. It took me a while (and unfortunately I lost the link) but you can search google and find people who have compiled and released 2.6 versions of mysqldb for windows x64 and x32.
That fourm has a link to versions of mysqldb for Python 2.6
flybywire : The links take to http://www.thescotties.com/mysql-python/test/MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.win32-py2.6.exe which I tried and was satisfied with on 29th Nov 09 -
This one has both 32 and 64 versions for 2.6:
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