It doesn't seem to be one of the standard cursors (like IDC_ARROW), so how can I load this?
From stackoverflow
You need to add a custom cursor as a resource to your application, get the resource handle, and then use SetCursor(...)
The drag/copy/move cursors aren't part of the standard library - your application will need it's own. The standard cursors are all listed here:
That being said, IDC_HAND does exist on newer operating systems, which may be what you are looking for...
wchung : Darn, we're deploying for multiple windows platforms including Vista/XP, so I guess we would have to bundle icons for each?Reed Copsey : Not necessarily. You can use teh same icons on XP + Vista. Vista does add the ability to have higher quality icons, though, so if you want them to look as nice as the other icons on vista, you'll need multiple resources.wchung : Sorry, I meant cursor, not icon -- since vista/xp seems to have different plus/move cursors. Thanks though.Reed Copsey : Yeah - same issue, though. You'd just need to load multiple icons into your resource file, and pick the one you want.
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