I created a Javascript Obj, but how can I get back the Class of that Javascript Obj?
I want something that similar to Java .getClass() method.
There's no exact counterpart to Java's
in JavaScript. Mostly that's due to JavaScript being a prototype-based language, as opposed to Java being a class-based one.Depending on what you need
for, there are several options in JavaScript:typeof()
A few examples:
function Foo() {} var foo = new Foo() typeof(foo) // == "object" foo instanceof Foo // == true foo.constructor // == Foo Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(foo) // == true Foo.prototype.bar = function (x) {return x+x} foo.bar(21) // == 42
Miles : That should probably be `func.prototype` (yes, functions are objects, but the `prototype` property is only relevant on function objects).earl : Yes, good point.Christoph : you might also want to mention `instanceof`/`isPrototypeOf()` and the non-standard `__proto__`Christoph : ES5 has aditionally `Object.getPrototypeOf()`clarkf : For me, foo.constructor yields something different (Chrome 8.0.552.0 dev on Mac OS X): `Function Foo() {}`earl : Yes, clarkf, that's `Foo` pretty-printed. The comments don't indicate the return values, but equalities that hold for the return values. So the comment means that `foo.constructor == Foo` holds, which will also be the case for you. -
Javascript is a class-less languages: there are no classes that defines the behaviour of a class statically as in Java. JavaScript uses prototypes instead of classes for defining object properties, including methods, and inheritance. It is possible to simulate many class-based features with prototypes in JavaScript.
shambleh : I have often said that Javascript lacks class :) -
You can get a reference to the constructor function which created the object by using the constructor property:
function MyObject(){ } var obj = new MyObject(); obj.constructor; // MyObject
If you need to confirm the type of an object at runtime you can use the instanceof operator:
obj instanceof MyObject // true
In javascript, there are no classes but i think you whant the constructor name so obj.constructor.toString() will tell you what you need.
This function returns either
, or the"class"
in[object class]
.function getClass(obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined") return "undefined"; if (obj === null) return "null"; return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) .match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1]; } getClass("") === "String"; getClass(true) === "Boolean"; getClass(0) === "Number"; getClass([]) === "Array"; getClass({}) === "Object"; getClass(null) === "null"; // etc...
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