You have an Assembly for Data Transfer Objects containing 10 classes that exactly represent 10 tables in your database. You generate / build a DAL layer that has methods like -
DTOForTable1[] GetDataFromTable1();
DTOForTable2[] GetDataFromTable2();
and so on....
How do I make a method that hides the numerous methods to get data from each table from the client code? The method I would want for example in service or business layer could look like-
SomeGenericDTO[] GetDataFromTable(TableTypeEnum tableTypeEnum);
How do I do this ? Is this even possible ?
If yes for (1), is it a good practice ?
If yes for (1) and (2) does this simplifies or complicate design ?
Thanks in advance.
You could define it like:
T[] GetDataFromTable1<T>() where T:IDto { // you can know the table with the type of T }
That said, I would rather either have the different methods or even classes to work with it. I use the repository pattern instead, I suggest to look for info on it.
Perpetualcoder : I have read about Repository pattern but I dont think i understand it fully. Can you recommend some link ?Bill Karwin : Karwin : In "Domain-Driven Design" by Eric Evans, chapter 6 contains info about the Repository pattern. -
Here's how my DAL does it:
List<entity> customers = SQL.Read(new SearchCriteria(), new Customers());
To perform joins:
List<entity> customers = SQL.Read(new SearchCriteria(), new Customers(new Orders(new OrderDetails())));
The DTO class itself determines which table to access and its properties determine which columns to retrieve.
I can't answer if it is a best or good practice. It is the practice that has been working for me for a long time. There are no extraneous methods such as "GetById", "GetAll", etc.
Perpetualcoder : This is very intersting ! Can you provide some link or sample ??Otávio Décio : @Perpetualcoder - email me at ocdecio at gmail dot com. -
It's very common these days to implement your concrete table classes as inheriting an abstract table-access class. The abstract class has generic methods to query a table. Each concrete class can declare which corresponding database table (also perhaps columns and inter-table relationships).
Design patterns that help include ActiveRecord and Table Data Gateway.
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