I have a database-driven FAQ that is organised into sections and I am trying to get the section data for only those sections who have a question/answer associated with them.
Here is the schema:
|---------------------| |----------------------|
| Section | | Quest-Ans |
|---------------------| |----------------------|
| PK | id(int) |<--| | PK | id(int) |
| | title(varchar) | |--| FK | Sec_id(int) |
| | desc(text) | | | body(text) |
|---------------------| |----------------------|
When I try this query:
SELECT DISTINCT s.id, s.title, s.desc
FROM Section as s INNER JOIN Quest-Ans as q ON s.id = q.Sec_id
I get an error saying that DISCRETE cannot be applied to a text field. How can I get the data I want?
If it matters, this is an SQL2000 database.
Ok, so it seems like there are two ways to go about this. Either with EXISTS and a subquery in the where clause, or with the subquery in the inner join. Which is faster?
From stackoverflow
This should do it:
SELECT s.id, s.title, s.desc FROM Section as s WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Quest-Ans as q where q.Sec_id = s.id)
Try it:
SELECT s.Title, s.Desc FROM Section as s INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT s.id FROM Section as s INNER JOIN Quest-Ans as q ON s.id = q.Sec_id ) q ON s.Id = q.Id
Lieven : @Ekeko - That should be SELECT DISTINCT s.id.cdeszaq : Returns a row for every question.eKek0 : @Lieven: Select returns a set of rows, and a set has not repetead elements and inner join is done based on the key (I guess). So, distinct is not necessary.cdeszaq : @Ekeko, without DISTINCT, it gives 1 row per question. With, it works correctly. It is necessary.eKek0 : @cdeszaq: That is what you wantcdeszaq : @Ekeko: I am looking for section data for the **sections**, that have a question in them, not for section data for the questions themselves.Lieven : +1 This is the second time today I give an upvote because I completely disagree with whoever downvoated this reply. Besides a missing distinct, it was a correct answer -
select s.id, s.title, s.desc from Section s inner join (select distinct sec_id from Quest-Ans) dqa on s.id = dqa.sec_id
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