Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finding end/start date in MySQL

Look at this MySQL table:

| date_key   | stude_key |
| 2005-09-01 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-02 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-06 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-07 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-08 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-09 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-12 | COM       | 
| 2005-09-01 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-02 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-06 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-07 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-08 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-09 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-12 | YUM       | 
| 2005-09-01 | DSA       | 
| 2005-09-02 | DSA       | 
| 2005-09-06 | DSA       | 
| 2005-09-07 | DSA       | 
| 2005-09-01 | JRA       | 

It contains the days when a class took place, and student attendance. I want to know the students that gave up (stop going to classes) and when. A student cannot miss a class and return.

For instance, the course took place between 01 and 12 of September 2005. COM and YUM attended all the classes but DSA gave up on 2009-09-07 and JRA only got 1 class.

I'm trying to get a table with:

| gave_up    | student   |
| 2005-09-07 | DSA       | 
| 2005-09-01 | JRA       | 

Any ideas on how to efficiently do that?


From stackoverflow
  • If you're just after the last entry for each student:

    SELECT MAX(date_key) AS gave_up, student
    FROM [table_name]
    GROUP BY student
  • SELECT MAX(date_key) AS gave_up, stude_key AS student
     FROM thetable
     GROUP BY stude_key
     HAVING MAX(date_key) != '2005-09-12'


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