Tuesday, April 5, 2011

document.ready inside body tag

I have a web app that has a universal HTML header include, so I'd like to put page-specific scripts in each page instead of having it load for everything. I tried putting document.ready() near the end of the <body> of a page and it seems to be working fine. Are there any potential hazards to putting it there instead of inside the <head>?

From stackoverflow
  • None. Just make sure everything is loaded in the proper order.

  • Yahoo recommends putting all scripts at the end of your document for performance - http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html

    Matthew : I guess I could even put it between and ?
    bobince : Best not - there's not supposed to be anything in html other than head and body-or-frameset. A browser might choose not to execute the code; in any case it certainly wouldn't validate.


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