Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Convert Dataset to IQueryable<T> or IEnumerable<T>

Since there is no Linq to DB2 yet (c'mon IBM!), and I want to deal with IQueryables or IEnumerables in my code, how would I convert a DataTable to an IQueryable? Or an IEnumerable?

I have an interface and a class that matches the columns in the datatable...

IQueryable<IMyData> GetAS400Data(..parameters..)
    DataSet d = GetData();
    //Some code to convert d to IQueryable<IMyData>

DataTable.Rows does not support .AsQueryable, since MSFT yanked it, so I'm not sure what to do here.

From stackoverflow
  • Take a look here it seems that a provider with entity framework for DB2 exists.

    jlembke : Unfortunately, due to a bad experience last year, EF has been ruled out for me. That's unfortunate, since EF is MSFT's future...
  • table.AsEnumerable()...

    However, you'd need to write your own translation (Select) to your type; and the IQueryable<T> would still be using LINQ-to-Objects; the only purpose (in this scenario) of using IQueryable<T> over IEnumerable<T> would be to use expressions for some other reason - perhaps for the dynamic LINQ library.

    MattSlay : How do you convert the other way? From IQueryable to a DataTable?
    Marc Gravell : The `IQueryable` is essentially a view over the data. The original `DataTable` still remains. To *create* a `DataTable`, perhaps see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545328/datatable-to-generic-list-memory-leak


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