Friday, March 4, 2011

Send a JPanel to the printer

Is it possible to just send a JPanel or any other component to the printer? Or do I have to implement all the drawing to the graphics object by hand?

I have tried to use the Print* functions of the JPanel to print to the graphics object but the page that gets printed is blank.

From stackoverflow
  • This tutorial mentions translating the Graphics object. Have you tried that?

  • Check out the Java printing API and tutorial along with JComponent.print(Graphics).

    Here is a rudimentary class which will print any component which fits on 1 page (I can't take credit for this, I got the code from Marty Hall's tutorial):

    package dol.lpc.lib.gui;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.print.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
     * Generic component printer.  This object allows any AWT or Swing component  (or DCT system)
     * to be printed by performing it pre and post print responsibilities.
     * <p>
     * When printing components, the role of the print method is nothing more than to scale the Graphics, turn off double
     * buffering, and call paint.  There is no particular reason to put that print method in the component being printed.  A
     * better approach is to build a generic printComponent method to which you simply pass the component you want printed.
     * <p>
     * With Swing, almost all components have double buffering turned on by default. In general, this is a great benefit,
     * making for convenient and efficient painting. However, in the specific case of printing, it can is a huge problem.
     * First, since printing components relies on scaling the coordinate system and then simply calling the component's
     * paint method, if double buffering is enabled printing amounts to little more than scaling up the buffer (off-screen
     * image) which results in ugly low-resolution printing like you already had available. Secondly, sending these huge
     * buffers to the printer results in huge print spooler files which take a very long time to print. Consequently this
     * object globally turns off double buffering before printing and turns it back on afterwards.
     * <p>
     * Threading Design : [x] Single Threaded  [ ] Threadsafe  [ ] Immutable  [ ] Isolated
    public class ComponentPrinter
    extends Object
    implements Printable
    // *****************************************************************************
    // *****************************************************************************
    private Component                       component;                              // the component to print
    // *****************************************************************************
    // *****************************************************************************
    public ComponentPrinter(Component com) {
    // *****************************************************************************
    // *****************************************************************************
    public void print() throws PrinterException {
        PrinterJob                          printJob=PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        if(printJob.printDialog()) {
    public int print(Graphics gc, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) {
        if(pageIndex>0) {
            return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
        RepaintManager  mgr=RepaintManager.currentManager(component);
        Graphics2D      g2d=(Graphics2D)gc;
        mgr.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false);                                       // only for swing components
        mgr.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(true);                                        // only for swing components
        return PAGE_EXISTS;
    // *****************************************************************************
    // *****************************************************************************
    static public void printComponent(Component com) throws PrinterException {
        new ComponentPrinter(com).print();


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