Sunday, March 6, 2011

Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied.

I'm getting the error when accessing a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

Server Error in '/' Application. Procedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter '@template', which was not supplied.

This is happening when I call a Stored Procedure with a parameter through .net's data connection to sql (, even though I am supplying the parameter. Here is my code.

SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connPath);

string sqlCommString = "QCApp.dbo.ColumnSeek";
SqlCommand metaDataComm = new SqlCommand(sqlCommString, sqlConn);
metaDataComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter sp = metaDataComm.Parameters.Add("@template", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
sp.Value = Template;

SqlDataReader metadr = metaDataComm.ExecuteReader();

And my Stored Procedure is:

   USE [QCApp]

   ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ColumnSeek] 
       @template varchar(50)
   WHERE TABLE_NAME = ' + @template);

I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here.

Edit: As it turns out, Template was null because I was getting its value from a parameter passed through the URL and I screwed up the url param passing (I was using @ for and instead of &)

From stackoverflow
  • First - why is that an EXEC? Shouldn't that just be

    SELECT Column_Name, ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = @template

    The current SP doesn't make sense? In particular, that would look for a column matching @template, not the varchar value of @template. i.e. if @template is 'Column_Name', it would search WHERE TABLE_NAME = Column_Name, which is very rare (to have table and column named the same).

    Also, if you do have to use dynamic SQL, you should use EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL (keeping the values as parameters) to prevent from injection attacks (rather than concatenation of input). But it isn't necessary in this case.

    Re the actual problem - it looks OK from a glance; are you sure you don't have a different copy of the SP hanging around? This is a common error...

    Tony Peterson : It still doesn't work with that change. I had the exec because I was working previously with a proc where the from clause was supplied from a param so I got thinking wrongly on this one. But I still get the error with just the select
    Marc Gravell : very curious; perhaps treble-check for typos?
  • I would check my application code and see what value you are setting @template to. I suspect it is null and therein lies the problem.

    Marc Gravell : Ah, the old null vs DbNull.Value chestnut...
    Marc Gravell : (+1 btw, I'm pretty sure that will fix it)
    Tony Peterson : Yeah, Template was null, I forgot to set it earlier.
  • If Template is not set (i.e. ==null), this error will be raised, too.

    More comments:

    If you know the parameter value by the time you add parameters, you can also use AddWithValue

    The EXEC is not required. You can reference the @template parameter in the SELECT directly.

  • In addition to the other answers here if you've forgotten to put

    cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure

    Then you will also get this error.

    Sohnee : +1 Great answer.


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