Sunday, March 20, 2011

MDI : How to create snappable internal jframes

I am interested in creating a work place consisting of multiple jframes. I would like to implement the functionality that google dashboard uses to dock their frames into a position. I would also like to be able to snap two frames together. Does anyone have any idea how google does this, how it might be done or perhaps code of an open source project that currently does this. I am currently using jinternal frames to implement my MDI.

Edit : Also, if there is another way to do this that doesn't use MDI, I would not be adverse to switching to a more suitable API. I just really don't want to have to code this from the bottom up if at all possible.

From stackoverflow
  • SquirrelSQL supports the convenient arrangement of windows using JInternalFrame. I haven't read the sources closely, but it may be worth a look. The idea of a custom LayoutManager is also appealing, as suggested in this example.

    Jeffrey : This isn't quite what I am looking for but it is a good start.


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