Thursday, March 24, 2011

How do I tell Windsor to add an Interceptor to all components registered that implement IMustBeIntercepted

If I registered several components with Windsor.

IAnimal provides BigAnimal IPerson provides SmellyPerson IWhale provides BlueWhale

etc.. pretty standard component registeration

all the above types implement IMustBeIntercepted, how do I tell the container add an interceptor to all types that implement IMustBeImplemented so that when Resolve is called it is returned a BigAnimal with an interceptor as defined since it matches. I know I can do this for each one but its extra XML config or programatic config which I want to avoid

From stackoverflow
  • Simply create an interface like this:

    public interface IMustBeIntercepted {}

    and a facility like this:

    public class InterceptionFacility : AbstractFacility {
     protected override void Init() {
      Kernel.ComponentRegistered += new Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentDataDelegate(Kernel_ComponentRegistered);
     void Kernel_ComponentRegistered(string key, Castle.MicroKernel.IHandler handler) {
      if(typeof(IMustBeIntercepted).IsAssignableFrom(handler.ComponentModel.Implementation)) {
       handler.ComponentModel.Interceptors.Add(new InterceptorReference(typeof(TestInterceptor)));

    Then register the facility to the container using the <facility> tag. Now all components that implements IMustBeIntercepted will be intercepted by the interceptor TestInterceptor.

  • Just wrote this baby:

     public static BasedOnDescriptor WithInterceptor(this BasedOnDescriptor reg, string interceptorComponentName) {
      return reg.Configure(x=> x.Configuration(
          "${" + interceptorComponentName + "}"


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