In a script, when a command-let or other executable statement errors out, is there a try/catch type of mechanism to recover from these errors? I haven't run across one in the documentation.
Have a read here:
You use a
Trap [exception-type] {}
block before the code you want to handle exceptions for. -
This MSDN appears to be helpful, also:
casademora : wow, maybe I should stop looking at the technet docs... -
Here's someone (Adam Weigert) who implemented try/catch/finally using powershell. I use this in place of the built-in trap staement. Seems more natural.
I've written about this in my TechNet Magazine column (, if you're interested).
First, PowerShell v2 will have a standard Try...Catch, which is great.
The existing shell (v1) has support for trap {} constructs. These must be defined prior to the exception happening. Also, most cmdlets require an -EA "STOP" parameter in order for them to generate a trappable exception. Traps can be defined in any scope, and will "bubble" up until trapped or until they hit the global (shell) scope.
At the end of a trap, execute Continue to return to the next line of code in the same scope as the trap, or execute Break to leave the current scope and toss the exception up.
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