Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ASP.NET RegularExpressionValidator, validate on a non-match?

Is there a way to use the RegularExpressionValidator to validate only when the ValidationExpression does not match? In particular use a PO BOX regex to validate an address that is NOT a PO BOX.


From stackoverflow
  • Create a regular expression that validates NOT a PO BOX or use custom validator.

    ccook : I agree, this would be ideal. But inverting an existing regex is non trivial?
    Alex Reitbort : It depends on the regexp itself, but as far as I know there is no magic 'not' switch on the whole expression.
    ccook : Right, characters can be negated but not the whole expression (as far as i can tell). In the mean time it's a custom validator.
  • Just use NegativeRegularExpressionValidator :)

    [ToolboxData("<{0}:NegativeRegularExpressionValidator runat=\"server\" ErrorMessage=\"NegativeRegularExpressionValidator\"></{0}:NegativeRegularExpressionValidator>")]
    public class NegativeRegularExpressionValidator : RegularExpressionValidator
        protected override bool EvaluateIsValid()
         return base.EvaluateIsValid() == false;
    ccook : Nice, I am going to give it a shot. ty
    Canavar : +1, but what about client side validation ?
    Mike Chaliy : Unfortunately, nothing about client side :(. Thank you for pointing this out. My aim was to give an idea, not more.
  • Mike Chaliy's solution is very good, but it doesn't validate in client-side.

    I think you should use a custom validator control and write a javascript function that validates not a POBox. copy pattern from regular expression validator and use this site to write your own client side validation.

  • You can effectively invert your regular expression using a negative look-ahead.

    For example, consider the following regular expression that matches only a string of digits:


    This expression could be inverted as follows:



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