Thursday, February 10, 2011

mysql: recover database from frm files

At some point my MAMP installation became corrupt and I decided to move to XAMPP instead. However I now can't get my databases across. Other people have said I simply need to copy the DB files to XAMPP but this only partially work.

I can see the databases however all the tables have message "in use" and if I try to query a table I get the message "#1017 - Can't find file: './data_ms/geo_calendars.frm' (errno: 13)"

Any ideas how I can fix this?


  • 1) Check the ownership of the files (geo_calendars.frm along with .myd and .myi should be owned by MySQL)

    2) Check read/ write permissions.

    3) Restart MySQL

    EddyR : beautiful, thank you! downloading batchmod made it easy to change ownership
    From shantanuo


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