Hello everybody,
i am working on a Sharepoint Server 2007 Statemachine Workflow. Until now i have a few states and an custom Association/InitiationForm which i created with InfoPath 2007. At the moment i have a Problem with Modification forms. The modification link in the state page of my workflow is shown and leads on click to my InfoPath form. If i click the "Submit" button the form is closed. Everything works fine. Now i tried to add a second ModificationForm to my workflow. So i created a new InfoPath form and added it in the same way to the workflow as the first one. The workflow has no errors in the building or deploying-process. But if i now try to click the second Modification link in the state page the form is not shown. Instead of my form the text: "The form has been closed." is shown.
I looked in the central administration and the InfoPath form is know under "Manage form templates". I gave every Modification in the Workflow.xml his own Guid. I used the following ModificationUrl: ModificationUrl="_layouts/ModWrkflIP.aspx"
Does anybody know step by step how to use two or more ModificationForms in my workflow?
Thank you in advance.
Look in your ULS logs for the error message. It will be listed there 100%. The category is "Forms Services" - the logs are located under the 12 hive in LOGS\
From x0n -
Thank you very much. I found the following Error Message in the Logfile:
"Form load failed with a validation error"
I searched in the web for solutions for this problem and fount this site:
I had two sceme files and i just schould use one for both forms. So i had to use the same data source. That was all. Thank you for the hint.
Greets Stefan
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