When performing UPDATE and INSERT queries using Zend_Db, I frequently need to set values equal to NULL (not ''). However, the default behavior of Zend_Db::insert() and Zend_Db::update() seems to be that values that are empty are translated into empty strings ('') and put into the database as such.
Does anyone know of way to actually force a NULL value to go into fields if the value is empty in php?
Try setting the affected fields to:
new Zend_Db_Expr('NULL')
Gabriel Sosa : I like this method for the _abstraction_ that this method give to youFrom William -
I've always just been able to do this using PHP's null:
$toUpdate = array('nullValue' => null, 'otherValue' => 'something'); Zend_Db::update($table, $toUpdate, $where);
From Johrn
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