Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Reload the Same layout on View Flipper in Android?

I have an Linear Layout inside the View Flipper. When i fling/swipe the layout the same layout reloads the same layout with the animations slide_left_out and slide_right_in. I just have only one layout view. it has the values the image view and text view. When i swipe the view it just change the next value to that views. Any Idea?

From stackoverflow
  • How did you add the swipe/fling functionality? In other words, when the screen is "flung", that's where your code has to come in and "flip" the viewflipper to a different layout.

    AFAIK There isn't a built-in way to fling the viewflipper without having to write some code to handle the fling and manually change the viewflipper layout (index).


    Basic Gesture Detection

    Flipping Views using ViewVlipper.setDisplayedChild()

    Praveen Chandrasekaran : can you explain with some example code?
    Brad Hein : That part of my code is copywritten but I added two links with detailed samples (possibly better than my own code :)


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