hi can any body tell me how i can get the last in serted id in hibernate
like in my sql i used the query like this:=="SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"
how i can represent this in hibernate
thanks in advance
From stackoverflow
Why you need this is unclear but it should be possible using a native query. Something like that:
Integer lastId = (Integer) session.createSQLQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") .uniqueResult();
thanks actually i got the solution inthis way
lSession.flush(); long lAddGUID = lObjAddressTable.getUserGUID(); pObjAddressDetails.setUserGUID(lAddGUID); if(0 != lAddGUID ){ lRetVal = true; }
but i have another doubt
can u tell me how i can update my data from a table with 2 where condition and i have no primary key even if the primary key is there i am not using that one thanks
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