Saturday, February 12, 2011

How do you debug a series of Aspect in eclipse?

I've got a chain of aspects that are being executed in some cases but not in others. The stack typically looks something like this w/o giving an context information. There doesn't appear to be any logging that I can enable either. Thanks for any help on this.

GeneratedMethodAccessor163.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
AspectJAroundAdvice(AbstractAspectJAdvice).invokeAdviceMethodWithGivenArgs(Object[]) line: 566
AspectJAroundAdvice(AbstractAspectJAdvice).invokeAdviceMethod(JoinPoint, JoinPointMatch, Object, Throwable) line: 556
AspectJAroundAdvice.invoke(MethodInvocation) line: 57
Cglib2AopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation(ReflectiveMethodInvocation).proceed() line: 173
ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(MethodInvocation) line: 89
Cglib2AopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation(ReflectiveMethodInvocation).proceed() line: 185
Cglib2AopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(Object, Method, Object[], MethodProxy) line: 652


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