I have a MySql database with three tables I need to combine in a query: schedule, enrolled and waitlist. They are implementing a basic class enrollment system.
Schedule contains the scheduled classes. When a user enrolls in a class, their user account id and the id of the scheduled class are stored in enrolled. If a class is at capacity, they are stored in waitlist instead. All three tables share a scheduleId column which identifies each class.
When I query the schedule table, I need to also return enrolled and waitlist columns that represent the number of users enrolled and waiting for that particular scheduleId.
A preliminary query I came up with to accomplish this was:
select s.id, s.classDate, s.instructor, COUNT(e.id) as enrolled
from schedule as s
left outer join enrolled as e
on s.id = e.scheduleId
group by s.id
which works ok for one or the other, but obviously I can't get the values for both the enrolled and waitlist tables this way. Can anybody suggest a good way of doing this?
Two quick ways:
1- Use
to get the number of unique instances in each table, then join on both. This is possibly hideously inefficient.2- Use subqueries in the
clause (only works in MySQL 5.0 and later):SELECT s.id, s.classDate, s.instructor, tmpE.c AS enrolled, tmpW.c AS waiting FROM schedule AS s, ( SELECT scheduleID, COUNT(*) AS c FROM enrolled GROUP BY scheduleID ) AS tmpE, ( SELECT scheduleID, COUNT(*) AS c FROM waiting GROUP BY scheduleID ) AS tmpW WHERE s.id = e.scheduleID AND s.id = w.scheduleID GROUP BY s.id
I may have missed a left join in there, though.
From kyle -
Use nested SELECT queries. Assuming a bit about your schema, how about something like this (might not work on some flavors of SQL):
select s.id, s.classDate, s.instructor, (select COUNT(e.id) from enrolled e where e.scheduleId = s.id) as enrolled, (select COUNT(w.id) from waitlist w where w.scheduleId = s.id) as waiting from schedule as s group by s.id
From lc -
I would do it with another left join and two inline count(distincts)
select s.id, s.classDate, s.instructor , count(distinct e.id) as enrolled, count(distinct w.id) as waiting from schedule as s left outer join enrolled as e on s.id = e.scheduleID left outer join waitlist as w on s.id = w.scheduleID group by s.id
When I ran this approach versus the subqueries it executed about twice as fast, but I am looking at a pretty small result set.
From cmsjr
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