I have a table on SQL2000 with a numeric column and I need the select to return a 01, 02, 03...
It currently returns 1,2,3,...10,11...
Does this work?
SELECT REPLACE(STR(mycolumn, 2), ' ', '0')
From http://foxtricks.blogspot.com/2007/07/zero-padding-numeric-value-in-transact.html
John's answer works and is generalizable to any number of digits, but I would be more comfortable with
select case when mycolumn between -9 and 9 then '0' + str(mycolumn) else str(mycolumn) end
where n is a positive integer between 0 and 99:
select right('0'+ltrim(str(n)),2)
select right(str(100+n),2)
but I like John's answer best. Single point of specification for target width, but I posted these because they are also common idioms that might work better in other situations or languages.
This sort of question is about the interface to the database. Really the database should return the data and your application can reformat it if it wants the data in a particular format. You shouldn't do this in the database, but out in the presentation layer.
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