Saturday, February 19, 2011

How do I get back a 2 digit representation of a number in SQL 2000

I have a table on SQL2000 with a numeric column and I need the select to return a 01, 02, 03...

It currently returns 1,2,3,...10,11...


From stackoverflow
  • Does this work?

    SELECT REPLACE(STR(mycolumn, 2), ' ', '0')


  • John's answer works and is generalizable to any number of digits, but I would be more comfortable with

    select case when mycolumn between -9 and 9 then '0' + str(mycolumn) else str(mycolumn) end
  • where n is a positive integer between 0 and 99:

    select right('0'+ltrim(str(n)),2)


    select right(str(100+n),2)

    but I like John's answer best. Single point of specification for target width, but I posted these because they are also common idioms that might work better in other situations or languages.

  • This sort of question is about the interface to the database. Really the database should return the data and your application can reformat it if it wants the data in a particular format. You shouldn't do this in the database, but out in the presentation layer.


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