Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eclipse for IntelliJ Idea Users

I have a coworker who is looking to switch from InteilliJ Idea to Eclipse, and is concerned about not knowing the Eclipse set of commands.

I was wondering - would anyone have a link to keyboard mappings that can set Eclipse commands to at least sort of match Idea?

Have you made this switch? Any "gotchas", tips, or info we should be aware of?


  • Sorry for offtopic and excuse me for that, but what are the reasons for such switch?

    awied : Mostly because the version that we have available is not too current and is reportedly quite slow.
    Bartosz Blimke : Eclipse is much slower.
    From Vugluskr
  • Why would he change from IntelliJ to Eclipse? Unless he is a masochist and wants to change his life into a nightmare. There is a reason why it is easy to find Eclipse mappings for IntelliJ and difficult to find IntelliJ mappings for Eclipse.

  • If he definitely want to do this:

  • Get the plugin from here. It seems easier to install than the one in Bartosz' answer, plus no 404s...

    For the lazy: direct link to plugin

    Drop the plugin jar in eclipse/plugins folder and restart eclipse. Now in preferences dialog under General > Keys you can find "Intellij Idea" key scheme.

    From itsadok


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