Wednesday, February 9, 2011

detect svn changes in a .bat

I have a .bat and inside the .bat i would like to execute a special code if there's some modification inside the svn repository (for example, compile).

  • Are you wanting this to be reactive? Or, on-demand?

    For reactive, see hooks. The script will have to be named according to it's purpose: pre-commit.bat, post-commit.bat. The scripts are called as: [script] [repos-path] [revision-number]

    For, on-demand:

    • Working Copy
      • svn log
      • svn st
      • svn diff
      • svn proplist
    • Repository
      • svnlook author
      • svnlook changed
      • svnlook date
      • svnlook diff
      • svnlook history


    svn st "C:\path\to\working\directory\" >> C:\path\to\working\project.log

    Every time you run the BAT, it'll add the st output to project.log. Adjust as needed.

    acemtp : It on demand. I know the svn command (it s easy to find them eveyrwhere). The question is to know how to use that in a .bat script
    acemtp : I don't want to put the status into a log file :) I want the code of the .bat that do something like: if(svn_changed()) do this else do that
  • For Win 2000 and later, this would assign the last output row from the svn status commmand to the svnOut variable and then test if the variable contains anything:

    @echo off
    set svnOut=
    set svnDir=C:Your\path\to\svn\dir\to\check
    for /F "tokens=*" %%I in ('svn status %svnDir%') do set svnOut=%%I
    if "%svnOut%"==""  (
        echo No changes
    ) else (
        echo Changed files!

    Why there is a line like this

    set svnOut=

    you have to figure out yourself. ;-)

    acemtp : Thank you very much. It's perfect, I'll test that ASAP.
    acemtp : In fact, it doesn't work. For example, svn status returns some line with: ? files M files2 that are local modification or files that are not in the repository. I only want to have see "Changed files" when there s some repository changes.
    acemtp : I posted the answer with a modified version
    Tooony : Then I am not sure I understand what you want to do here... Do you want to perform a svn update, and if something has changed in the svn server repository, you want to perform a build with the new code? Or is it if something has been modified locally you want to rebuild? If 1: What about conflicts?
    From Tooony
  • Ok, the solution I found with the help of Tooony:

    set vHEAD = 0
    set vBASE = 0
    set svnDir=<path to local svn directory>
    for /F "tokens=1,2" %%I in ('svn info -r HEAD %svnDir%') do if "%%I"=="Revision:" set vHEAD=%%J
    for /F "tokens=1,2" %%I in ('svn info -r BASE %svnDir%') do if "%%I"=="Revision:" set vBASE=%%J
    if "%vBASE%"=="%vHEAD"  (
        echo No changes
    ) else (
        echo Changed files!
    From acemtp
  • Have your .bat execute svnversion (if you're using Subversion) or SvnWCRev.exe (if you're using TortoiseSVN) against the top-most level of your working copy.

    Both output if your working copy has been modified.

    svnversion appends a "M" to its output. SvnWCRev.exe will print a line of text that the WC has been modified.

    From antik


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