I have multiple logos of various companies in various formats that needs to be added to other PDFs. The format of these logos is not specified at the moment but it could be locked down to only certain formats if it causes issues.
These other PDFs will be mostly posters and will be printed off by the user.
Question: What is the best way for adding these logo's onto the PDF poster artwork on the fly to then be downloaded and printed by the user? Bareing in mind it needs to retain the original quality of the PDF when being printed.
Thanks in advance
See at my answer to a similar question. In short, I've used itextsharp to add watermark(s) to an existing PDF.
From gimel -
Thanks gimel, I've just had a quick look through and I've spotted an example of what I would need to do.
Can you let me know if you can add a watermark anywhere within a pdf document? e.g. specify the location by pixel or something to that effect.
Also I presume the quality of whatever comes out is dependant on what you upload? There is no degredation is what I am saying?
gimel : In my case, positioning was by pixels. Regarding quality, I've only generated text, so I can't say about images. See comments in the referenced answer, others maybe able to help.jcollum : THis should be in a comment, not an answer.From John_ -
PDFSharp is a free library that can do this. These watermarking examples should help you get started.
From yoyoyoyosef
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