I'm trying to VNC into a Mac OSX machine. I can ssh in fine. I am also running this VNC connection over an SSH tunnel, however it worked fine yesterday.
I'm trying
$ vncviewer
and it connects and gives the following output.
Connected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.8
Performing standard VNC authentication
I enter the VNC password. However it just hangs there and nothing happens. This happens if I enter a known incorrect password and the correct password.
What could be causing this and how would I go about diagnosing this?
I've had similar things happen when the ARD service went fubar and needed a restart. It's fairly simple over SSH.
If you are using a different VNC server then this still applies. Try killing the process and restarting it.
To restart the ARDAgent - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2370
ssh into the box and run
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -restart -agent
moshen : Apple's VNC server is very finicky when using non-Apple VNC clients. If you leave the session open too long, or you let it time out, you _will_ need to restart ARD.Rory McCann : I tried that put that didn't solve it.From Simurr -
I think this is my fault. I think I was confused about passwords, and was entering the wrong password. D'oh!
From Rory McCann
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