Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unity launcher in Desktop Edition?

Possible Duplicate:
Unity launcher — is it available as a separate package?

Is it possible just to get the unity launcher - JUST be the unity launcher - in desktop edition? As an alternative to Avant, Docky or Gnome Do?

Update: I would just to point out that we now know the 11.04 desktop edition with have the Unity interface by default!

From ubuntu jnut
  • An alternative to the unity dock is the dockbarx applet, make sure you install the extra themes so get the unity themes (assuming you are using Ubuntu 10.10, an 'apt-get install ubuntu-netbook')

    This is the PPA link: https://launchpad.net/~dockbar-main/+archive/ppa

    You can find more useful information about dockbarx:
    And be sure to check out this Ubuntu Forum thread:

    Bruce Connor : apt-getting the entire ubuntu-netbook install is really way above his needs.
    From ramayac
  • You could use the Unite theme for dockbarx that is intended to replicate Unity. Dockbarx is available in a PPA although you will have to install the theme seperately.

    Unite theme for dockbarx

    Owais Lone : What GTK theme are you using? and what kind of notification i sthat?
    fluteflute : It's a [Black Elementary theme](http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/black-element?content=124850). That isn't 'my' screenshot though, but the [original poster's comments](http://bigrza.deviantart.com/art/Unite-for-DockbarX-165172732?offset=0#comments) suggest the notification is to do with CoverGloobus.
    From fluteflute


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