Thursday, January 13, 2011

Default rsize and wsize for nfs v3

The /etc/fstab entry used by my nfs client is {server_ip}:/home/{server_user}/{server_path} /home/{client_user}/{client_path}

I wanted to know the rsize and wsize values used by default. I wanted to try out some benchmarks with various values smaller and larger than the default values so that i can arrive at an optimum value for my read heavy setup.

  • Don't modify rsize and wsize. Recent NFS servers and clients will work out the best value for you and will probably do a better job than you would as well. :)

  • If you are on a Linux box, take a look at /proc/mounts. You'll find the current value there. If you specify no value in /etc/fstab, that will be the default (or at least, a value that is considered sane by the system).

    From wzzrd
  • I believe the default rsize and wsize are 8192 for both UDP and TCP mounts.

  • These are the options we use most of the time


    From James


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