Sunday, March 27, 2011

Unit Testing my Email Service

How do I write a unit test for a method that use an external service like System.Net.Mail?

Do I just check a return value to see if there were any errors sending the email and assume if there were none that it was sent successfully?

From stackoverflow
  • Create a mock object for the mail service.

    In short this will mean that you write a class that can replace the behavior of sending a mail. This way you can create different situations for your test very easy: a succeeded mail, a failed one, etc.

    A nice and short introduction:

    Another one, with code samples:

  • It depends on the level of testing you want. If you are more concerned with testing the method, and the emailing is just a small part, then you might consider mocking the email sending service out. Gerrie's link is good.

    However, if you actually want to test the mail sending, here are some ideas.

    • Use SmtpDeliveryLocation to output the email to a folder instead of a mail server. You can then check the folder.
    • Send the email, then query the remote POP server to see if it arrived.
    • Send and assume it just worked if ther are no exceptions. I can't recall if SmtpClient.Send is blocking or non blocking.

    Because these tests typically mean talking to external things, they'd be called integration tests rather than unit tests.

    But in general, I think you'd be more concerned with ensuring you got the formatting/email addresses correct, than whether or not Microsoft implemented SmtpClient correctly. So unit testing and mocks make more sense there.

    Gerrie Schenck : Agreed, it depends on what you want to test: the mail server or the business logic which is responsible in generating a mail.


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